Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
**Study for the french assessment on w 5, Wednesday 18/9; Lexique Les membres de la famille livre p 15 ex :5,7 + p 22 ex :5+ p 60 ex :1+ ton dico p 49)
الدروس المطلوبة للاختبار القصير يوم الخميس : ( الصنف اللُّغويّ ( اسم الفاعل ) + الأسلوب اللُّغويّ " القسم " + الرسم الإملائيّ " الألف اللَّيّنة في الأفعال " )

Grade: الثالث متوسط / A

DATE: 15-sep-2024 /

WEEK : 5

English ILiterature:
Unit 1: American Voices
Selection Text : Morning Talk / Poetry
MathematicsL2.2: Solving One-Step Equations,
Practice Pg. 81 +
L2.3: Solving Multi-Step Equations,
Pg. 85-88.
BiologyLesson 2.2 Models of Energy Flow
Computer IDigiChamps Unit1

Sprint 1.3 Scalable and Reliable Networks Pages 21-42
PhysicsQuiz 1: Module 1 Lesson 2: Math & Physics Pgs 10-11
ChemistryPractice worksheet exercises on Chemical and physical properties
Islamic Studiesالتوحيد:استعمال لو في الكلام
English ILiterature:
Unit 1: American Voices
Selection Text : Morning Talk / Poetry
MathematicsL2.3: Solving Multi-Step Equations,
Practice Pg. 89-90.
Solve Pg. 89-90, Ex. 1,3,5,7,13,15,19, and 21.
Arabicالوظيفة النحويَّة ( الحال )دراسة الدرس والتدرُّب على القاعدة
Social Studiesعدد السكان
BiologyQuiz 1: Quiz material: Module 1 Lesson 1: The study of life Module 2 Module 2 Lesson 1: Organisms and their relationships
PhysicsModule 1 Lesson 2: Signficant Figures
ChemistryExplain the chemical and physical changes in klesson 2: Changes in matter
Islamic Studiesالأحد: تفسير سورة الكهف ١-٨
English IGrammar : 2 periods
The four structures of sentences. page: 30
The four functions of sentences. page: 31
Verb Tenses. page: 46
MathematicsL2.4: Solving Equations with Variables on each Side, Pg. 91-96.
Social Studiesموارد المياه
Social Studies I (E)Chapter 4: The Ancient Greeks
Lesson 1: Poets and Heroes. Pages: 76/77/78
Islamic Studiesالحديث : طريق الرضا
English IGrammar :
Verb Tenses. page: 46

MathematicsL2.4: Solving Equations with Variables on each Side,
Practice Pg. 97-98.
Solve Pg. 97, Ex. 1,3,5,7,9,13 and 17.
Arabicتابع الوظيفة النحويَّة ( الحال )فقرة الواجب المنزلي صفحة 78
French IAssessment 1 +

Module 1: Pour téléphoner ; les formules pour appeler et pour répondre (Livre p 15 ex :8+ p 23 ex :9)
Islamic Studiesالفقه: أنواع الأطعمة وأهم أحكامها (ص124 - 126)
English IVocabulary
MathematicsL2.5: Solving Equations involving Absolute Value, Pg. 101-103.Worksheet 1 +
IXL: Kindly check the link on Edunation
Arabicاختبار قصير
+ حل ورقة عمل الوظيفة النحويّة ( الحال )
Social Studies I (E)Chapter 4: The Ancient Greeks
Lesson 2: The Greek City state. Pages: 80/81/82/83/84
French IModule 1 : Pour téléphoner ; La suite- livre p 60 ex :2 + Préparer une conversation téléphonique)
Computer IDigiChamps Unit1
Sprint 1.3 Scalable and Reliable Networks Pages 29- 36
Islamic Studiesفقه: الذكاة