Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
دراسات إسلامية : اختبار قصير 2 ( كتاب مفتوح ) .

Grade: الثاني متوسط / A

DATE: 06-oct-2024 /

WEEK : 8

MathematicsL3.3: Solve Multi-Step Equations.
p. 149 -151
Arabicتابع / الفهم القرائي
ComputerDigi Pro
Unit 3: Data Structure in Python
Lesson 1: Introduction to Strings
Social Studiesالأقاليم
ScienceMidterm Exam
EnglishVocabulary Unit 3 Set B
Islamic Studiesتفسير : المنافقون (9-11)
MathematicsL3.3: Solve Multi-Step Equations.
p. 151 -153
Practice Page
Questions 1, 3, and 5.
Arabicنص جحا والوليمة
Social Studies (E)Ch.18: L.4: Southeast Asia
S.S. Book pgs. 331-334
Leader in Me: L.1
Social Studiesتابع الأقاليم
ScienceMod.2-L.3--Artificial Selection-Pgs. (111,112)
EnglishGrammar: Adverbs
Islamic Studiesحديث:التوكل على الله
MathematicsL3.3: Solve Multi-Step Equations.
p. 151 -155
Arabicالتحليل الأدبي
FrenchModule 1: Lexique; les parties du corps (ton dico livre p 49 +p 22 ex :5 +p 61 ex :2)
ComputerDigi Pro
Unit 3: Data Structure in Python
Lesson 2: Lists
ScienceUnit.2-Energy and Motion
Mod.1-L.1-Position and Motion-Pgs. 10,11
EnglishGrammar: Adverbs
Islamic Studiesتوحيد : مكانة الأولياء والصالحين والتحذير من الغلو فيهم
دراسات إسلامية : اختبار قصير 2 ( كتاب مفتوح ) .
MathematicsL 3.4: Write and Solve Multi-Step Equations.
P. 157-159
Arabicتابع التحليل الأدبي
Social Studies (E)Ch.18: L.4: Southeast Asia
S.S. Book pgs. 331-334
Leader in Me: L.1
ScienceUnit.2-Energy and Motion
Mod.1-L.1-Position and Motion-Pgs. 12,13,14
EnglishLiterature: Unit 3
Islamic Studiesفقه:أهل الزكاة
MathematicsL 3.4: Write and Solve Multi-Step Equations.
P. 159-163
Practice Page
Questions 1, 3, and 5.
FrenchModule 1:Grammaire; Les adjectifs possessifs (livre p 17 ex:5+ p22 ex :3+p 61 ex :1)
ScienceGraded Formative Assessment: Module 2 Lesson 2: The Theory of Evolution
Unit.2-Energy and Motion
Mod.1-L.1-Position and Motion-Pgs. 15
EnglishWriting Summary
Islamic Studiesقرآن: تسميع الآيات السابقة من سورة النبأ لمن لم تسمع
(21- 26)