Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Study well for Math Quiz #1-Lessons 4.1 and 4.2, om Sunday 1/12/2024.
لغتي الجميلة : يوم الخميس اختبار قصير ( استظهار ) حفظ الأبيات نجوى قلم صـ 22
Social Studies Quiz / Unit 3 Lesson 1 pg.64-67 on Wednesday 4/12
DICTATION on Sunday 1/12 English Quiz on Monday 2/12. Literature Book pg. 195,196,197,198 + Grammar Book pg.20,21,22
Science Quiz on Wednesday 4/12/2024: Inspire Science, Unit 1: Module: Body Systems; Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste from page 102 to page 113 + Worksheet 5 in the science booklet + the definitions of all the vocabulary words included in the lesson + PowerPoint presentation uploaded on Edunation

Grade: السادس إبتدائي / A

DATE: 01-dec-2024 /

WEEK : 3

MathematicsMath Quiz #1
Lessons 4.1 and 4.2
Holy Qur'anحفظ سورة عبس 8-14
Arabicالأسلوب اللّغويّ : التّحذير و الإغراء من صـ 44 إلى صـ 46الواجب : تفكير ناقد + أكتب صـ 46
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 4: Moving Materials page 123
Review the explained pages + write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “vascular tissue” and “stomata” on your vocabulary booklet
EnglishLiterature: ‘Feathered Friend’ pg.
199-202 + DICTATION: 'Technology should simplify life, not complicate it. The danger of social media is that young users can eventually lose their ability to focus on what is most important in life.''
Study for the English Quiz on Monday 2/12. Literature Book pg. 195,196,197,198 + Grammar Book pg.20,21,22
MathematicsLessons 4.6: Graph Reflections of Points
Arabicالأسلوب اللّغويّ : التّحذير و الإغراء من صـ 44 إلى صـ 46 + حلّ ورقة العمل
Social Studies (E)Unit 3 Lesson 3: The Umayyad Caliphate p.72-74Study for the Social Studies Quiz / Unit 3 Lesson 1 pg.64-67 on Wednesday 4/12
FrenchConjugaison : présent de l’indicatif des verbes en erFiche 3 (Les verbes)
Social Studiesملوك المملكة العربية السعودية
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 4: Moving Materials pages 123-124
Review the explained pages + write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “xylem” and “Phloem” on your vocabulary booklet
+ Solve this link:
due Monday 9/12/2024
(for easy access check Edunation)
EnglishEnglish Quiz +
Literature: ‘’ Teens and Technology Share a Future’’ pg.206-208
Islamic Studiesتوحيد: منهج اهل السنة والجماعة
Arabicالظّاهرة الإملائيّة : الهمزة المتوسّطة من صـ 53 إلى صـ 57الواجب : حلّ مكوّن أطبّق صـ 55 - 56
ComputerSchool Trip
ScienceSchool Trip
EnglishGrammar Plus: Demonstrative & Interrogative pg.26,27
Islamic Studiesاختبار قصير
درس البدع والذنوب والمعاصي من صفحة 114-118
MathematicsLesson 4.6: Graph Reflections of Points
p.239-240 + p.243
P. 243
Arabicالظّاهرة الإملائيّة: الهمزة المتوسّطة من صـ 53 إلى صـ 57
+ تطبيق إملائيّ
استظهار ( حفظ ) الأبيات صـ 22
Social Studies (E)Social studies Quiz (unit 3 lesson 1)
+ complete Lesson 3 p.75 (SS)
Social Studiesملوك المملكة العربية السعودية
ScienceScience Quiz:
Inspire Science, Unit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste from page 102 to page 113
+ Worksheet 5 in the science booklet
+ the definitions of all the vocabulary words included in the lesson
+ PowerPoint presentation uploaded on Edunation

2nd session: Science Lab
Review the explained pages + Write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “bronchi” and “lungs” on your vocabulary booklet
+ Solve this link:
(for easy access check Edunation)
due Wednesday 11/12/2024
EnglishGrammar Plus: Adjectives pg.28,29
Islamic Studiesالفقه: حكم الزكاة ومكانتها
MathematicsLesson 4.7: Absolute Value and Distance
p.245 till 247
+Math Worksheet
Holy Qur'anتقييم تلاوة سورة الحشر من 1-6
Arabicالظّاهرة الإملائيّة: الهمزة المتوسّطة من صـ 53 إلى صـ 57
حلّ تدريبات الكتاب + استظهار ( حفظ ) الأبيات صـ 22
البدء بقراءة قصّة القلم ( الفهم القرائيّ ) للاستعداد للاختبار في الأسبوع الرّابع
FrenchGrammaire : Forme négative du présent de l’indicatifFiche 4 ( la forme négative)
Unit 1: Pen Down Patterns
Lesson 4
Homework: Pg. 37 - Challenge 2
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Body Systems;
Lesson 4: Moving Materials page 126
Review the explained pages + Write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “pharynx” and “trachea” on your vocabulary booklet
Solve the graded worksheet 8 distributed by the teacher in class due Tuesday 10/12/2024
Watch the videos related to the lesson uploaded on Edunation
Have a nice weekend!
EnglishVocabulary: Sadlier Unit 5 / Set B