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Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification | ||
Study well for Math Quiz #1-Lessons 4.1 and 4.2, om Sunday 1/12/2024. | ||
لغتي الجميلة : يوم الخميس اختبار قصير ( استظهار ) حفظ الأبيات نجوى قلم صـ 22 | ||
Social Studies Quiz / Unit 3 Lesson 1 pg.64-67 on Wednesday 4/12 | ||
DICTATION on Sunday 1/12 English Quiz on Monday 2/12. Literature Book pg. 195,196,197,198 + Grammar Book pg.20,21,22 | ||
Science Quiz on Wednesday 4/12/2024: Inspire Science, Unit 1: Module: Body Systems; Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste from page 102 to page 113 + Worksheet 5 in the science booklet + the definitions of all the vocabulary words included in the lesson + PowerPoint presentation uploaded on Edunation | ||
Grade: السادس إبتدائي / A | DATE: 01-dec-2024 / | WEEK : 3 |
Mathematics | Math Quiz #1 Lessons 4.1 and 4.2 | |
Holy Qur'an | حفظ سورة عبس 8-14 | |
Arabic | الأسلوب اللّغويّ : التّحذير و الإغراء من صـ 44 إلى صـ 46 | الواجب : تفكير ناقد + أكتب صـ 46 |
Science | Unit 1: Module: Body Systems; Lesson 4: Moving Materials page 123 | Review the explained pages + write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “vascular tissue” and “stomata” on your vocabulary booklet |
English | Literature: ‘Feathered Friend’ pg. 199-202 + DICTATION: 'Technology should simplify life, not complicate it. The danger of social media is that young users can eventually lose their ability to focus on what is most important in life.'' | Study for the English Quiz on Monday 2/12. Literature Book pg. 195,196,197,198 + Grammar Book pg.20,21,22 |
Mathematics | Lessons 4.6: Graph Reflections of Points p.237-238 | |
Arabic | الأسلوب اللّغويّ : التّحذير و الإغراء من صـ 44 إلى صـ 46 + حلّ ورقة العمل | |
Social Studies (E) | Unit 3 Lesson 3: The Umayyad Caliphate p.72-74 | Study for the Social Studies Quiz / Unit 3 Lesson 1 pg.64-67 on Wednesday 4/12 |
French | Conjugaison : présent de l’indicatif des verbes en er | Fiche 3 (Les verbes) |
Social Studies | ملوك المملكة العربية السعودية | |
Science | Unit 1: Module: Body Systems; Lesson 4: Moving Materials pages 123-124 | Review the explained pages + write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “xylem” and “Phloem” on your vocabulary booklet + Solve this link: https://www.ixl.com/science/grade-6/how-does-matter-move-in-food-chains?signInRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ixl.com%2Fsignin%2Fnajdnational due Monday 9/12/2024 (for easy access check Edunation) |
English | English Quiz + Literature: ‘’ Teens and Technology Share a Future’’ pg.206-208 | |
Islamic Studies | توحيد: منهج اهل السنة والجماعة | |
Mathematics | Trip | |
Arabic | الظّاهرة الإملائيّة : الهمزة المتوسّطة من صـ 53 إلى صـ 57 | الواجب : حلّ مكوّن أطبّق صـ 55 - 56 |
Computer | School Trip | |
Science | School Trip | |
English | Grammar Plus: Demonstrative & Interrogative pg.26,27 | |
Islamic Studies | اختبار قصير درس البدع والذنوب والمعاصي من صفحة 114-118 | |
Mathematics | Lesson 4.6: Graph Reflections of Points p.239-240 + p.243 | P. 243 |
Arabic | الظّاهرة الإملائيّة: الهمزة المتوسّطة من صـ 53 إلى صـ 57 + تطبيق إملائيّ | استظهار ( حفظ ) الأبيات صـ 22 |
Social Studies (E) | Social studies Quiz (unit 3 lesson 1) + complete Lesson 3 p.75 (SS) | |
Social Studies | ملوك المملكة العربية السعودية | |
Science | Science Quiz: Inspire Science, Unit 1: Module: Body Systems; Lesson 3: Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste from page 102 to page 113 + Worksheet 5 in the science booklet + the definitions of all the vocabulary words included in the lesson + PowerPoint presentation uploaded on Edunation 2nd session: Science Lab | Review the explained pages + Write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “bronchi” and “lungs” on your vocabulary booklet + Solve this link: https://www.ixl.com/science/grade-6/body-systems-circulation-and-respiration?signInRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ixl.com%2Fsignin%2Fnajdnational (for easy access check Edunation) due Wednesday 11/12/2024 |
English | Grammar Plus: Adjectives pg.28,29 | |
Islamic Studies | الفقه: حكم الزكاة ومكانتها | |
Mathematics | Lesson 4.7: Absolute Value and Distance p.245 till 247 | https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-6/reflections-of-points https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-6/coordinate-planes-as-maps +Math Worksheet |
Holy Qur'an | تقييم تلاوة سورة الحشر من 1-6 | |
Arabic | الظّاهرة الإملائيّة: الهمزة المتوسّطة من صـ 53 إلى صـ 57 حلّ تدريبات الكتاب + استظهار ( حفظ ) الأبيات صـ 22 | البدء بقراءة قصّة القلم ( الفهم القرائيّ ) للاستعداد للاختبار في الأسبوع الرّابع |
French | Grammaire : Forme négative du présent de l’indicatif | Fiche 4 ( la forme négative) |
Computer | (DigiPro) Unit 1: Pen Down Patterns Lesson 4 | Homework: Pg. 37 - Challenge 2 |
Science | Unit 1: Module: Body Systems; Lesson 4: Moving Materials page 126 | Review the explained pages + Write the vocabulary words (Lesson 4) and the definition of “pharynx” and “trachea” on your vocabulary booklet Solve the graded worksheet 8 distributed by the teacher in class due Tuesday 10/12/2024 Watch the videos related to the lesson uploaded on Edunation Have a nice weekend! |
English | Vocabulary: Sadlier Unit 5 / Set B |