Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
أرجو مراجعة لمادة الدراسات الإسلامية بإستمرار لتثبيت الحفظ
Quiz Reminder Science Quiz on Sunday 20/10/2024: Inspire Science ; Unit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism; Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions pg.49,52,53,56,57,64,65+ Worksheet 3 in the Science booklet pg.12,13,14,15+ Vocabulary Sheet 3 in the Vocabulary booklet + all related videos and Power Points posted on Edunation Kindly keep your science booklet, vocabulary booklet and science book in your bag the whole week!
Practice reading Vote! RB pg. 100 – 121
Study well for Math Quiz #2, which will be on Sunday, October 13. The lessons included are L2.7, L2.8, L3.2, and L3.3

Grade: الثالث إبتدائي بنين / B

DATE: 13-oct-2024 /

WEEK : 9

MathematicsMath Quiz #2

L4.2:Multiplication as Repeated Addition. Pg.199-200
Holy Qur'anتلاوة سورة عبس 1-10التدريب على تلاوة سورة عبس 1-10
Arabicقراءة درس مصايفنا ص ( 72 + 73 )التدرب على قراءة درس مصايفنا + غدًا إملاء منظور
من ( أشهر المتنزهات ….. البرشومي ) ص(72)
Social Studies (E)*“The Leader in Me”
Habit #1-Be Proactive pages:6-7
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 2: Magnetism and Designing Solutions pg.67,68,69
Graded Homework
Solve pg. 12 in the science booklet
EnglishReading Fluency: Vote!
RB pg. 100 – 121
Phonics: Words with Silent Letters pgs.
91 , 92,93
Study for your Quiz tomorrow
RCV Quiz On Monday 14/10/2024
Quiz Materials:
Protecting Our Parks
Comprehension Skill:
Main Idea and Key Details pgs.52-53
Problems & Solutions from page 50 till 53
VB: pages 20-21-22-23-24
Read an unseen passage to answer related questions
Answer questions based on the given Reading Selection
( Protecting Our Parks )
Genre: Argumentative text.
MathematicsL4.2:Multiplication as Repeated Addition. Pg.201-202H.W Pg.203-204
Holy Qur'anتلاوة سورة عبس ١١-١٧التدريب على تلاوة سورة عبس 11-17
Arabicقراءة الدرس
، أجيب ص (74) + أنمي لغتي ص (75)+ إملاء منظور
التدرب على قراءة الدرس + حل ص (21) في سجل لغتي
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions; Solve Worksheet 3 in the Science Booklet
Unit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Continue Worksheet 3 in the Science booklet + Unit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism; Lesson 2: Magnetism and Designing Solutions; activity pg.70,71
Science vocabulary booklet: Write the vocabulary words pg. 8
Get Ready for tomorrow’s Science Event.
EnglishRCV Quiz 2
Grammar : Singular and Plural Nouns
PB pg., 74, 75, 77
Practice reading Vote!
RB pg. 100 – 121
MathematicsL4.4:Arrays and Multiplication. Pg.211-212
Holy Qur'anحفظ سورة البلد 13-16حفظ سورة البلد من ١٣-١٦
Arabicقراءة الدرس
، الأداء القرائي ص(76) + التراكيب اللغوية ص(77+78)
قراءة الدرس + التدرب على الإملاء الغيبي ليوم غدٍ
من ( و من المصايف الجبلية …….. كالأخدود ) ص (73)
ComputerDigi champs
Unit 3 Getting started with TinkerCad
lesson 1&2 3D digital printing & Basic 3D Shapes in TinkerCAD
ScienceScience Event Space JourneySolve IXL:


due 21/10/2024
(check Edunation for easier access)
EnglishVocabulary Strategy: Prefixes
PB pg. 84
Comprehension Skill: Author’s point of view
Practice Reading in class: Vote!
Literature Book pg. 100 – 121
MathematicsL4.4:Arrays and Multiplication. Pg.213-214

L4.6:Use Multiplication to Find Combination. Pg.225-226
H.W Pg. 215-216 + Kindly solve page 13 in your math booklet , and check the edunation for the IXL links.
Arabicقراءة الدرس ،
إملاء غيب + أستخدم ص(78)
قراءة الدرس + حل ص(22) في سجل لغتي
Social Studies (E)* Social Studies Quiz (2)Grade:3-Social Studies Quiz Unit :1-Lesson:4-
Rules at School pages:24-27
ComputerExam revision and exercises
ScienceUnit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 2: Magnetism and Designing Solutions; Continue activity pg.70,71
Study well for the Science Quiz on Sunday 20 /10/2024:
Inspire Science ; Unit 1: Module: Electricity and Magnetism;
Lesson 1: Electricity and Designing Solutions pg.49,52,53,56,57,64,65+ Worksheet 3 in the Science booklet pg.12,13,14,15+ Vocabulary Sheet 3 in the Vocabulary booklet
+ all related videos and Power Points posted on Edunation
EnglishWriting Draft 2: Personal Narrative
Islamic Studiesفقه / مكانة الصلاة وشروطها ١حفظ شروط الصلاة ١
MathematicsLong Weekend
ScienceLong Weekend
EnglishLong WeekendHave a wonderful long weekend!
Islamic Studiesإجازة مطولة