Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification | ||
Study well for the science quiz on Tuesday 3/12/2024: Unit 2: Animals and How They Communicate Module 1: Animal parents and their offspring Lesson 1: Animal Structures pages 9-10-11-14-15-16-17-19 Worksheet #5 Vocabulary Sheet # 5 PowerPoint Uploaded on Edunation | ||
الرجاء إحضار أداوت الطالب ( أقلام - ممحاة - براية - أقلام تلوين ) | ||
اختبار الدراسات الاسلامية يوم الألأربعاء | ||
Grade: الأول إبتدائي بنين / B | DATE: 01-dec-2024 / | WEEK : 3 |
Mathematics | L3.4: Use Doubles to Add. pg. 231-232 | Homework pg. 233-234 |
Holy Qur'an | مراجعة سورة النصر آيه 1 | حفظ الآيه |
Arabic | إملاء + حرف ( ز) ص ٣٢-٣٣ | |
Social Studies (E) | **Social Studies Quiz: * Social Studies Unit:2- Lesson:4 Traditions in My Community pages- 50-53 | Study for the Social Studies Quiz: Unit:2- Lesson:1 Every Family Is Different pages- 38-41 |
Computer | (DigiChamps): Solving Unit 2 Challenges and Exercises. | |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Animals And How They Communicate Module 1: Animal Parents and their Offspring Lesson 2: Functions of Animal Structures pages 32-33 | |
English | Phonics Digraphs:ch,wh,ph, Trigraph:-tch Phonics pgs. 146+147 Spelling pgs. 150+151 | |
Mathematics | L3.5: Use Near Doubles to Add. pg. 235-236 | |
Holy Qur'an | سورة النصر آيه 2 | حفظ سورة النصر آيه 1-2 |
Arabic | ( ز) ص ٣٤-٣٥ | |
Computer | (DigiChamps) Unit 3 Internet and Safety Lesson 1 | Homework: Pg. 85 Exercise: 1- 4 |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Animals And How They Communicate Module 1: Animal Parents and their Offspring Lesson 2: Functions of Animal Structures worksheet #6 | Homework: Study well for the science quiz on Tuesday 3/12/2024 Unit 2: Animals and How They Communicate Module 1: Animal parents and their offspring Lesson 1: Animal Structures pages 9-10-11-14-15-16-17-19 Worksheet #5 Vocabulary Sheet #5 PowerPoint Uploaded on Edunation |
English | Grammar Structural Analysis: Plural Nouns with-es pgs.153 Irregular Plural Nouns pgs.156+157 RCV Quiz | Quiz Material: Reading Book 1.2 Nell’s Book Practice Book p.132+139 |
Mathematics | L3.5: Use Near Doubles to Add. pg. 237-238 + L3.7: Make 10 to Add. pg. 249-250 | Homework pg. 239-240 |
Arabic | تقييم قرائي + حرف ( ز) ص٣٦-٣٧ | التدريب على الإملاء ( زَار مَازِنٌ - قَرَأَ حَازِمُ - فَازَ فَوَّازُ ) . |
Science | Classwork: Science quiz | |
English | High Frequency Words (HFW) (walk-many-by-place-around) Practice Book pg.155 Take Home Story (Practice Book) “Look Around” Story pgs. 159+160 | |
Islamic Studies | فقه / كيف نبر الوالدين | المذاكرة لاختبار الاسلاميات غدا الأربعاء - درس أعبد الله - أحب الله - بر الوالدين مع حفظ الأدلة |
Mathematics | L3.7: Make 10 to Add. pg. 251-252 | Homework pg. 253-254 |
Arabic | إملاء + حرف (ز) ص٣٨ | |
Social Studies (E) | - Leader in Me Book Habit#2 Begin With the End in Mind Activity: 1 -Pages: 10-11 | |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Animals And How They Communicate Module 1: Animal Parents and Their Offspring Lesson 3: Animals and Their Parents pages 37- 40 | Homework: Solve the IXL link, check Edunation for easier access: https://www.ixl.com/science/grade-1/how-do-animals-use-their-body-parts?signInRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ixl.com%2Fsignin%2Fnajdnational due Thursday 12/12/2024 |
English | Reading Book 1.2 Our Community Week 5. Follow The Map “Fun with Maps” pgs. 86-93 Essential Question: How can you find your way around? Genre: Nonfiction Comprehension Skill: Key details | |
Islamic Studies | اختبار قصير | |
Mathematics | L3.8: Add in Any Order pg. 255-258 | Kindly solve Worksheet 1 from the math booklet 2+xheck the assignment on edunation for easy access to ixl link: https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-1/add-by-counting-on-from-the-first-addend-sums-up-to-10 |
Holy Qur'an | سورة النصر آيه 3 | حفظ سورة النصر 1-3 |
Arabic | حل ورقة العمل في سجل لغتي | التدريب على الإملاء ( منزل رزان - بحرٌ أَزْرق - نَزل رَامِز ) |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Animals And How They Communicate Module 1: Animal parents and Their Offspring Lesson 3: Animals and Their Parents pages 41- 42 | Homework: Write the following word in the vocabulary booklet: trait |
English | My Literature and Vocabulary Booklet “Fun with Maps” Writing Draft#2 |