Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification | ||
Spelling Bee round 1 will be in week 5 | ||
Grade: الثاني إبتدائي بنات / B | DATE: 08-dec-2024 / | WEEK : 4 |
Mathematics | L4.6: Rewrite Two-Digit Subtraction Pg. 257-258 | L4.6: Rewrite Two-Digit Subtraction Homework pg. 259-260 |
Holy Qur'an | حفظ سورة القدر 1-3 الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات للتسميع يوم الثلاثاء | |
Arabic | التقويم التجميعي ص48 | |
Social Studies (E) | Social Studies: Unit:3- Lesson:1-Everyday Goods and Services pages:60-63 | Social Studies book: Unit Review pages:56-57 |
Computer | (DigiChamps): Unit 4: Tux Magic Lesson 2 | |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Module: Changes to Materials; Lesson 2: Materials Can Change pg. 86,87 | Graded Homework Solve Worksheet 7 pg. 20 in the Science Booklet |
English | Reading Fluency Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out! 190-207 High Frequency words. PB.pg.178 Phonics: Long a: PB. Pgs.175, 176, &180 Vocabulary strategy: Homophones PB.pg. 206 | Do your IXL homework: https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-2/match-the-short-a-and-long-a-words-to-pictures |
Mathematics | L4.7: Check Subtraction Pg. 261-264 | L4.7: Check Subtraction Homework pg. 265-266 |
Arabic | الوحدة (4) ص51 +52 نص الاستماع ص 53+54 | |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Module: Changes to Materials; Lesson 2: Materials Can Change pg. 87,88 | Solve IXL: https://www.ixl.com/science/grade-2/compare-temperatures-on-thermometers?signInRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ixl.com%2Fsignin%2Fnajdnational Due December, 14 , 2024 (check Edunation for easier access) |
English | Grammar: Action Verbs pgs. 183, 186, & 187 Reading Fluency Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out! 190-207 | Do your IXL homework: https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-2/identify-action-verbs |
Islamic Studies | اختبار قصير توحيد: درس عبادة الله وحده ص10 فقه: درس آداب الأكل والشرب1+2 ص28إلى ص32 المهارات المطلوبة: 1-أن تعرف الطالبة أن أعظم ما أمر الله به التوحيد وما معناه (عبادة الله وحده) 2-أن تعرف الطالبة آداب الأكل والشرب وتطبقها 3-أن تعرف الطالبة ماذا نقول عند البدء في الأكل وعند الانتهاء من الأكل وفقكنّ الله | |
Mathematics | L4.8: Problem Solving Pg. 267-268 | Kindly solve worksheet 2 from the math booklet 2 + check the assignment on edunation for easy access to IXL link: https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/subtract-two-digit-numbers-vertically |
Holy Qur'an | تسميع سورة القدر 1-3 حفظ الآيات جيدا والحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد | |
Arabic | نص رحلة حبة قمح ص56 ص 57 | |
Science | Classwork: Unit 2: Module: Changes To Materials; Lesson 2: Materials Can Change activity pg.89 + Correct homework pg. 16 and continue pg.17 in the Science Booklet. | |
English | Structural Analysis: Contractions ‘s, ‘re, ‘ll, ‘ve. Pg.177 Reading Analysis Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out! VB. pgs. 14-16 | Do your IXL homework: https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-1/form-pronoun-verb-contractions |
Mathematics | Long weekend | |
Computer | Long Weekend | |
Science | Enjoy your long weekend! | |
English | long weekend | Long Weekend |
Mathematics | Long weekend | |
Science | Enjoy your long weekend! | |
English | long weekend | Long Weekend |